
Show declaration
struct WorldEvent play version("2.4");

The information for a StaticEventHandler.WorldLightning, StaticEventHandler.WorldLineActivated, StaticEventHandler.WorldLineDamaged, StaticEventHandler.WorldLinePreActivated, StaticEventHandler.WorldLoaded, StaticEventHandler.WorldSectorDamaged, StaticEventHandler.WorldThingDamaged, StaticEventHandler.WorldThingDestroyed, StaticEventHandler.WorldThingDied, StaticEventHandler.WorldThingRevived, StaticEventHandler.WorldThingSpawned, or StaticEventHandler.WorldUnloaded event.

Instance Members

WorldLoaded, WorldUnloaded

readOnly bool IsSaveGame

readOnly bool IsReopen

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WorldThingDamaged, WorldThingDestroyed, WorldThingDied, WorldThingRevived, WorldThingSpawned

readOnly Actor Thing

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readOnly Actor Inflictor

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readOnly int Damage

readOnly Actor DamageSource

readOnly Name DamageType

readOnly EDmgFlags DamageFlags

readOnly double DamageAngle

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WorldLineActivated, WorldLinePreActivated

readOnly Line ActivatedLine

readOnly int ActivationType

bool ShouldActivate

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WorldLineDamaged, WorldSectorDamaged

readOnly SectorPart DamageSectorPart

readOnly Line DamageLine

readOnly Sector DamageSector

readOnly int DamageLineSide

readOnly vector3 DamagePosition

readOnly bool DamageIsRadius

int NewDamage

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Overview of instance members

ActivatedLine, ActivationType, Damage, DamageAngle, DamageFlags, DamageIsRadius, DamageLine, DamageLineSide, DamagePosition, DamageSector, DamageSectorPart, DamageSource, DamageType, Inflictor, IsReopen, IsSaveGame, NewDamage, ShouldActivate, Thing