Show declaration
struct LevelLocals clearScope;
A structure of all the relevant data for a single level.
Class Methods
static void MakeScreenShot()
static void MakeAutoSave()
deprecated("3.8") static void RemoveAllBots(bool fromList)
deprecated("3.8") static bool IsPointInMap(vector3 p)
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Overview of class methods
Instance Methods
string GetUdmfString([EUdmf] type, int index, name key)
int GetUdmfInt([EUdmf] type, int index, name key)
double GetUdmfFloat([EUdmf] type, int index, name key)
play int ExecuteSpecial(int special, [Actor] activator, [Line] lineDef, bool lineSide, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0, int arg5 = 0)
void GiveSecret([Actor] activator, bool printMsg = true, bool playSound = true)
void StartSlideshow(name whichOne = 'none')
void WorldDone()
ui vector2 GetAutoMapPosition()
void SetInterMusic(string nextMap)
string FormatMapName(int mapNameColor)
bool IsJumpingAllowed() const
bool IsCrouchingAllowed() const
bool IsFreeLookAllowed() const
void StartIntermission(name type, int state) const
play [SpotState] GetSpotState(bool create = true)
int FindUniqueTId(int start = 0, int limit = 0)
uint GetSkyBoxPortal([Actor] actor)
void ReplaceTextures(string from, string to, int flags)
[HealthGroup] FindHealthGroup(int id)
vector3, int PickDeathmatchStart()
vector3, int PickPlayerStart(int pNum, int flags = 0)
int IsFrozen() const
void SetFrozen(bool on)
[Sector] PointInSector(vector2 p) const
bool IsPointInLevel(vector3 p) const
vector2 Vec2Diff(vector2 v1, vector2 v2) const
vector3 Vec3Diff(vector3 v1, vector3 v2) const
vector3 SphericalCoords(vector3 viewPoint, vector3 targetPos, vector2 viewAngles = (0.0, 0.0), bool absolute = false) const
vector2 Vec2Offset(vector2 pos, vector2 dir, bool absolute = false) const
vector3 Vec2OffsetZ(vector2 pos, vector2 dir, double atZ, bool absolute = false) const
vector3 Vec3Offset(vector3 pos, vector3 dir, bool absolute = false) const
string GetChecksum() const
void ChangeSky(textureId sky1, textureId sky2)
[SectorTagIterator] CreateSectorTagIterator(int tag, [Line] defLine = null)
[LineIdIterator] CreateLineIdIterator(int tag)
[ActorIterator] CreateActorIterator(int tid, class<[Actor]> type = "Actor")
string TimeFormatted(bool totals = false)
play bool CreateCeiling([Sector] sec, [Ceiling].[ECeiling] type, [Line] ln, double speed, double speed2, double height = 0.0, int crush = -1, int silent = 0, int change = 0, [Ceiling].[ECrushMode] crushMode = [Ceiling].[CRUSHDOOM])
play bool CreateFloor([Sector] sec, [Floor].[EFloor] type, [Line] ln, double speed, double height = 0.0, int crush = -1, int change = 0, bool crushMode = false, bool hereticLower = false)
void ExitLevel(int position, bool keepFacing)
void SecretExitLevel(int position)
void ChangeLevel(string levelName, int position = 0, int flags = 0, int skill = -1)
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Overview of instance methods
, ChangeSky
, CreateActorIterator
, CreateCeiling
, CreateFloor
, CreateLineIdIterator
, CreateSectorTagIterator
, ExecuteSpecial
, ExitLevel
, FindHealthGroup
, FindUniqueTId
, FormatMapName
, GetAutoMapPosition
, GetChecksum
, GetSkyBoxPortal
, GetSpotState
, GetUdmfFloat
, GetUdmfInt
, GetUdmfString
, GiveSecret
, IsCrouchingAllowed
, IsFreeLookAllowed
, IsFrozen
, IsJumpingAllowed
, IsPointInLevel
, PickDeathmatchStart
, PickPlayerStart
, PointInSector
, ReplaceTextures
, SecretExitLevel
, SetFrozen
, SetInterMusic
, SphericalCoords
, StartIntermission
, StartSlideshow
, TimeFormatted
, Vec2Diff
, Vec2Offset
, Vec2OffsetZ
, Vec3Diff
, Vec3Offset
, WorldDone
Instance Members
Map Data
array<[Sector]> Sectors
array<[Line]> Lines
array<[Side]> Sides
readOnly array<[Vertex]> Vertexes
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readOnly int LevelNum
readOnly string MapName
readOnly int Cluster
readOnly int MapType
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readOnly int ClusterFlags
Flags for this cluster. May contain the following flags:
: This cluster is a hub.
readOnly string LevelName
readOnly string AuthorName
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readOnly string Music
readOnly int MusicOrder
readOnly float MusicVolume
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readOnly string F1Pic
readOnly textureId SkyTexture1
readOnly textureId SkyTexture2
float SkySpeed1
float SkySpeed2
readOnly int FogDensity
readOnly int OutsideFogDensity
readOnly int SkyFog
readOnly float PixelStretch
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readOnly bool ActOwnSpecial
readOnly bool AllowRespawn
readOnly bool CheckSwitchRange
readOnly bool Infinite_Flight
readOnly bool KeepFullInventory
readOnly bool MissilesActivateImpact
readOnly bool MonsterFallingDamage
readOnly bool MonstersTeleFrag
readOnly bool NoInventoryBar
readOnly bool NoMonsters
readOnly bool No_Dlg_Freeze
readOnly bool PolyGrind
readOnly bool RemoveItems
readOnly double TeamDamage
play int AirSupply
bool AllMap
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readOnly bool SndSeqTotalCtrl
Sets all sectors'
. Set by the NoAutoSequences flag in MapInfo.
play double Gravity
play double AirControl
play double AirFriction
readOnly int CompatFlags
readOnly int CompatFlags2
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int Total_Secrets
int Found_Secrets
int Total_Items
int Found_Items
int Total_Monsters
int Killed_Monsters
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readOnly int Time
readOnly int MapTime
readOnly int TotalTime
readOnly int StartTime
readOnly int ParTime
readOnly int SuckTime
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string NextMap
string NextSecretMap
name DeathSequence
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Overview of instance members
, AirControl
, AirFriction
, AirSupply
, AllMap
, AllowRespawn
, AuthorName
, CheckSwitchRange
, Cluster
, ClusterFlags
, CompatFlags
, CompatFlags2
, DeathSequence
, F1Pic
, FogDensity
, Found_Items
, Found_Secrets
, Frozen
, Gravity
, Infinite_Flight
, KeepFullInventory
, Killed_Monsters
, LevelName
, LevelNum
, Lines
, MapName
, MapTime
, MapType
, MissilesActivateImpact
, MonsterFallingDamage
, MonstersTeleFrag
, Music
, MusicOrder
, MusicVolume
, NextMap
, NextSecretMap
, NoInventoryBar
, NoMonsters
, No_Dlg_Freeze
, OutsideFogDensity
, ParTime
, PixelStretch
, PolyGrind
, RemoveItems
, Sectors
, Sides
, SkyFog
, SkySpeed1
, SkySpeed2
, SkyTexture1
, SkyTexture2
, SndSeqTotalCtrl
, StartTime
, SuckTime
, TeamDamage
, Time
, TotalTime
, Total_Items
, Total_Monsters
, Total_Secrets
, Vertexes
const int CLUSTER_HUB
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