
Show declaration
struct UserCmd clearScope;

A networked command packet to be handled each frame by the player.

Instance Members

EButtons Buttons

The buttons currently held down by the player at the time of this command.

int16 Pitch

int16 Yaw

int16 Roll

16-bit fixed-point representations of the player's current view angles. -32767 being the minimum angle, and 32767 being the maximum angle. -32768 is reserved for Pitch signifying the view will be centered.

int16 ForwardMove

int16 SideMove

int16 UpMove

16-bit fixed-point representations of the player's current movement speeds. The normal values for these depend on the game, and are specified in MAPINFO GameInfo.

Overview of instance members

Buttons, ForwardMove, Pitch, Roll, SideMove, UpMove, Yaw